5. Reduce the Information<>Action Gap!

Bridge the gap between knowing things via engagement surveys and listening tools and being able to actually do something relevant, positive and impactful about it!

The problem...

You're drowning in data from surveys and people analytics tools but don't know where to start to address the issues and improve engagement. Or maybe you have a huge variety of workplace engagement and wellbeing programmes but the adoption and participation is low (or worse still, unknown!).

The same 20% of people showing up is good, but what about the remainder who represent a silent majority?

What are they doing, thinking...worse still is this the group from where attrition arises?

Things that don't work...

Annual (even quarterly!) surveys, pulsing tools or performance management platforms will give you data... but no actions. Furthermore, the data they do give you takes a while to prepare and producing a clear view of what is going on and what to do about it takes even longer. 

Once size fits all programmes don't work because what is right for one area (eg. Sales) may not be what floats the boat of others (eg. Software Developers). The action programmes you think are needed and are believed to be worthwhile might not really be inclusive, relevant and impactful to truly make a difference to more people.

A lot of money spent and visibility on initiatives may not always yield the desired outcome.

The PepTalk solution

We bridge the information-action gap by giving data AND actions specific to a team’s own culture and wellbeing. We provide geo specific and team specific views so action programmes and initiatives can be more tailored, thoughtful, more impactful and generally bring more people along!

The Outcome

  • A true sense of your teams engagements levels via regular team check-ins
  • Action paths aimed specifically at addressing the issues revealed from your data before they become a problem
  • Accelerated success of culture and change programs
  • Better engagement scores (that naturally translates into improved retention and productivity!)

Further information

An award winning solution
As rated on software review website G2